New! FuzzyFingerâ„¢ 500 Series

Meet FuzzyFinger 500 Series.
Create a new dimension to your mixes.
Fatten that Lead vocal, or trash up that kick drum, the possibilities are endless.
It can Clean up to a Sparkling Clean Sound by turning the input volume (touch) down.
FuzzyFingerâ„¢ 500S will enhance your great Rhythm sound without dropping out all your Low End.
Add the right edge to your Bass Mix, or Live.
Get ready for Chocolately Luscious Solo's,
And Endless Possibilities.
Oh Yeah and for the Good part.
FuzzyFinger 500 Series is completely discrete Germanium Transistors, And, what are those little switches next to the Knobs? They set the Tone on the input or Pre Fuzz, or Post after Fuzz. And the Touch control, sets the input sensitivity .