Friday, April 27, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Brand New! Box Set of Lee Jackson's Master Series Amplifier Service Dvd's

In our first release of Service Dvd's are included everything from our own amps XLS-1000, Metaltronix M-1000, To amps Lee designed for Ampeg VL-1002, Crate GT50H Combo, to your favorite Marshall JCM800, Marshall Major Heads, and Fender Bassman 50 and Bassman 135, and Super Reverb Combo, to Sovtek Midget 50H. (10) Dvd's with many hours of Training on Servicing the various models, showing simple Mod's and what to look for when Servicing.
Each Dvd has a simple directory to click to the different Chapters of Service, from re-Caping the Main Power Supply to fixing various common problems.
If you service amps, or own these amplifiers, they are a must have for the care and feeding of your favorite amp.
Friday, April 06, 2007
New! Lee Jackson Master Series Box set with (9) Mod DVD's

Have you ever wondered why your Marshall or Fender didn't sound like your favorite artist's, They all have them modified. These Brand New! Dvd's have Lee Jackson showing you how to Modify, your own Marshall or Fender amplifier. Lee goes through Step by Step instructions, Installing everything from Gain Stages to Tube Buffered Effects Loops and now Lee is showing his 6 position Mid Shift Control, along with Covering Testing, Biasing and Final Setup. Along with Sample Tone Settings. These Modifications create More Low End, More Gain Better Tone, Less Noise, and Smoother Distortion. The Dvd's come complete with schematics. This modification is the exact modification Lee Has done for thousands of guitarist around the world. Over 11 HOURS of Teaching Lee's Modifications (9) DVD's Brand New Never Seen Modifications ..